Practical Tips: Wearing Latex in Summer

Wearing Latex in summer can be difficult but take a look at these practical tips to help you wear your favourite outfit in hot weather

Summer Sunglasses

There’s no denying that we love wearing the shiny stuff (and it’s probably why you’re on this site right now) but it does have a tendency to keep you a little warmer than would be the case with traditional materials. This is great during the winter months but it can make it difficult to wear latex in summer during the hot weeks and months.

Here are our top tips for dealing with the hot weather whilst wearing our favourite fashion items:

Stay Hydrated

Summer Water Hydration

Due to the increase in body water lost through sweating it’s important not to become dehydrated. Ensure you drink plenty of water and keep yourself topped up at all times. Replacing body water lost through sweating is an essential process for your wellbeing – just ensure your choice of latex fashion has a suitable zip for those bathroom breaks!

Talc Up!

Applying talcum powder to the inside of any latex items you wear not only makes it easier to get on but also helps to stop you sweating.

Make sure that you apply this before wearing the outfit and you’ll find things take a little longer to get sticky.

Stay Indoors

Where possible stay indoors as it can often be cooler than venturing outdoors. Ideally an air-conditioned environment is best where the temperature can be controlled and maintained at a cool level. Air conditioning and cooler units are now coming down in price and there are many portable examples such as the Daewoo Portable Air Cooler and Humidifier.

Summer Shade

If you do need to go outside whilst wearing latex in summer, ensure that you stay in the shade wherever possible and avoid being outside at the hottest times of the day (normally around midday to early afternoon). Also, don’t forget that direct sunlight can often cause discolouration of latex so ensure you don’t expose your outfit to UV rays for too long without a break.

This tip not only protects you but also helps to protect your favourite latex items.

Choose What You Wear Wisely

Be careful, and give some thought, to exactly what latex outfit you are going to wear. In the summer months less is more so try to stick to wearing less latex clothing and mix it with conventional items.

For the girls, stick to items which are light and airy such as the Westward Bound Mini Skating Skirt. Alternatively, latex designers such as LadyLucie sell a stunning Latex Bikini and Shhh Couture Latex sell an extremely pretty Hello Kitty inspired Boob Tube, both of which could be teamed with some casual shorts or jeans.

Boys have options such as Libidex’s Boxer Shorts or a set of Hipster Pants from Honour.

Take A Break

Try to avoid wearing your favourite latex fashions for more time than you feel comfortable. If possible, take off your outfit at regular intervals and allow your body to recover.

Do you have any other tips for helping to cope with wearing latex in summer. If so, send us a comment below.

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